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Why do we need Symba

Up to 95% of the medication used to treat chronically-ill children, depending on age group and disease area, is not approved for use in children (off-label). In disease areas such as cancer, epilepsy, and arthritis – not to mention for rare diseases, there is hardly any clinical data for children and paediatric use.


The collection of real-world data (RWD) and patient/parent reported outcome measures (P/PROMs) is becoming more and more established in areas of adult treatment and it is supported by international regulatory bodies (FDA and EMA). However, collecting RWD and PROMs have not yet been considered for paediatric care, even though the lack of clinical data in paediatrics makes P/PROMs and RWD even more valuable.


Symba is tackling this problem and helps collecting RWD in paediatrics.

How is Symba helping

Parents & children

Symba accompanies you during the therapy, standardises your homecare observations and helps you to communicate it with your paediatrician and children's hospital


Symba enables granular and standardised feedback from parents and patients, leading to better clinical decision-making, home care and wellbeing


Symba anonymises parent observations and informs researchers and regulators about adverse drug reactions, real-world effects, best practices and fills the lack in clinical data in paediatrics

Join Symba

We are engaging with leading paediatric experts, children's hospitals and researchers from various medical fields as well as geographical areas to ensure usability and impact. We are also engaging with leading patient and parent organisations to include the voice of parents in each step.

Symba aims all paediatric disease areas. We help parents and children from disease areas, such as cancer, epilepsy, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, adhd, cystic fibrosis as well as many dermatological, neurological, gastroenterological and rare diseases. 


Does your paediatrician or children's hospital not know about Symba?

Get in touch and we will do the outreach together


Symba Health
160 Kemp House, City Road,
London EC1V 2NX

(c) All rights reserved

Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider with any questions regarding your observed medical condition.  A qualified physician should make a decision based on each person's medical history and current prescriptions.

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